Duplicate Bridge in the Pomona - Covina Area

A brief history with photographs of the players and places in unit 551 of the American Contract Bridge League

Most of the work of collecting and editing the material for this website was done by Pat Radamaker with a great deal of help from Vic Sartor.
MANY THANKS to Roy Wilson, the webmaster for Unit 559, for organizing this material into web format.


  In 1954, contract bridge was one of the most popular social activities in the United States.   A weekly "bridge night" was part of the routine of couples all over the country.  Duplicate tournaments drew enthusiastic entrants. Residents of the Pomona Valley were caught up in the enthusiasm.  In the summer of 1954 a group of prominent local citizens got together to form a committee under the title "The Pomona Valley Bridge Club."  They petitioned the American Contract Bridge League - Western Division for a charter and membership in that organization.  In a letter dated August 13,1954, Tom Stoddard, the Western Division president, informed Jack Mauer, the committee secretary, that their petition had been accepted.  The Pomona Valley Bridge Club was officially a member unit of the ACBL."  Games were to be held at the VFW Hall in Pomona.  Mrs. Mabel Amsbry was chosen as the organization chairman.  Other officers were Julius Jakobi, J.E. Maurer, Mrs. Dorothy Stevens, and Mrs. Fran Gunckel. Committee chairmen included Mrs. Alice Coffman, Robert Hagar, Mrs. Amsbry, Mrs. Gunckel, and Mr. Jakobi.

When the Western Division was eliminated the club petitioned the ACBL and was granted a charter in 1988.

A collection of photo memories...   

Old newspaper articles concerning duplicate bridge in the early days.
