Club Games in Unit 551

Pair games

Pair games are the usual fare at bridge clubs. You play with the same partner for the entire session. A typical session lasts 3 to 3-1/2 hours, during which you will play 24-28 deals.
The entry fee at the La Fetra Club is $5 for the open pairs games; contact the club manager, Tom Lill, for information on lessons.

The club game schedule at La Fetra is:

Nothing on the schedule, at the moment.

The Monthly Individual is held (usually) on the first Saturday of each month, 10:00 a.m.
Make sure you check HERE before heading over to play!

The entry fee is $3 until further notice.

The schedule for the near future is:

Directions to the club game sites:

La Fetra Center:

From the 210 Freeway Eastbound: Exit at Grand. Go North on Grand to Foothill. Turn right on Foothill and drive past Glendora Ave. Start looking to your left and after a couple of short blocks, you'll see the La Fetra center. Turn (left) and park behind the center or across the street.
From the 210 Freeway Westbound: Exit at Lone Hill. Take Lone Hill North to Foothill. (Alernately, you might wish to turn left at Alosto / Rte. 66 and take a different route North to Foothill.) At Foothill, turn left. Proceed on Foothill past Lorraine, continuing past Cullen. The La Fetra Center is about 1 block further on down Foothill, on your right. Turn right, and park behind the Center or across the street.
From the 57 Freeway: Exit at Auto Center Drive. Turn left on to Auto Center Drive. Turn right at Lone Hill and proceed as above from the 210 Westbound.

Friendship Center at Inland Christian Home

First of all, there is a map posted on this site, the link is on the home page. There are also written directions. The address is 1950 S. Mountain Ave., Ontario.
In any manner you choose, somehow get to Mountain Avenue - the one in San Bernardino County.
ICH is between Francis St. and Magnolia St. in Ontario.
Coming from I-10 or I-210, head south. When you cross Mission Blvd. you are getting close. You will then cross Phillips and Francis. About 1/4 mile south of Francis, turn right into the driveway just above the "Your Speed Is" sign. If you turn into the driveway above that - it's easy to do - you will be in the WRONG complex.
Now follow the driveway around until you see a big building you will hit if you don't take one of the two forks. That's the Friendship Center. Park where you can. Visitor parking is indicated on the map in GREEN.
Coming from CA-60, exit at Mountain and go North until you cross Philadelphia St. You'll see a blue "Inland Christian Home" sign on the left. You can turn in there and then take the driveway north until you meet up with the above instructions, OR you can keep going to the driveway mentioned above (it's harder to spot,going north).
If your GPS takes you to Magnolia, then you'll again see a blue "Inland Christian Home" sign. You'll pass some apartments on the left, and then you'll see the Friendship Center.

The Monthly Individual

The individual game is a multi-site affair, so be sure to check this site before the game to find out where the next game will be held.
Directions to Tom's: From the 210 Freeway, exit at Mountain Avenue. Proceed south. When you cross Francis St., make sure you are in the right-hand lane. You will see a blinking "Your speed is ... " sign. Turn right in the driveway just before this sign. CAUTION - there are two adjacent driveways here. The first one will not get you where you want to go. It's the second one. There is visitor parking just beyond the gate (which is open during daylight hours only). Tom's apartment is to left of the small visitor parking area. But our playing site is on the 2nd floor. In front of that parking area, there's a lobby. Enter the lobby, take the elevator up to the second floor. The playing room is directly opposite the elevator.
Directions to Rose's: This one is tricky. Whoever laid out the roads in the area used a rubber ruler ... and was drunk. Anyway, Exit the 10 at Euclid Ave. Or, coming from the 210, exit on Mountain, go north to Baseline, East to Euclid, then North. Go North on Euclid. North of 24th St., Euclid splits - Euclid takes the left branch, Euclid Crescent is the right (more nearly straight) branch. Keep going until you see Prospect on the right. Rose's place is on the NE corner.

The lessons at La Fetra have been suspended. Tom might be willing to pick them up .... we will see!

2023-24 Championship Standings

The results of the Individual are tabulated (using a very strange formula, I might add) to produce a single, overall Grand Champion. The results for the past year are now in.
11 players qualified for the CHAMPIONSHIP by playing in at least 6 games.
In order of finish, the top 5 were:
Congratulations to all, and good luck in the coming year!

Results of La Fetra Club Games

Tues Fri Sat
Hand Record
Hand Record
Hand Record
Hand Record
Hand Record
Hand Record
Hand Record
Hand Record

Tues Fri Sat
Hand Record
Hand Record
Hand Record
Hand Record
Hand Record
18 21
25 28

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